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Mein Arbeitseinsatz als Volontär anlässlich der Generalversammlung der World Blind Union in Genf

Mein Arbeitseinsatz als Volontär anlässlich der Generalversammlung der World Blind Union in Genf
Tony Ruepp, Freiwilliger Helfer von Rümlang (Schweiz). Aug 2008.

245 freiwillige Helfer waren aktiv während der Generalversammlung von der Welt Blinden Union. More...
Interpreters for Equi'sol

Interpreters for Equi'sol
Caroline Fraisse & Isabelle Guinebault. Apr 2008.

We volunteered through ICVolunteers as interpreters for the 1st European Fair Trade Fair organised with the partnership of Equi'sol (1 - 3 February 2008, Lyon, Villeurbanne, France), for which we worked as volunteer translators all year long depending on their needs. More...
Swiss Assembly marks 10th anniversary of first ICV action

Swiss Assembly marks 10th anniversary of first ICV action
Rédaction, English review Sarah Webborn, revisión en español Katerine Chollet. Dec 2007.

The General Assembly of ICVolunteers-Switzerland, on 29th November 2007, united long-standing and new volunteers, partners and individuals. More...
Tidiani Togola shares his insight about the GAID Forum

Tidiani Togola shares his insight about the GAID Forum
Traducción al español Miguel Ortiz. Oct 2007.

Tidiani Togola is one of the one of the coordinators of the CyberVolunteers Program for ICVolontaires-Mali. More...
ICVolunteers for the humanitarian world

ICVolunteers for the humanitarian world
Sophie Colesse & Tay Blyth-Kubota, Irene Amodei, traducción española Miguel Ortiz. Oct 2007.

Sophie, the translator and Tay, the logistician
Sophie and Tay, two ICV volunteers, are sharing their experience around their involvement in social and humantarian projects. More...
My participation at the Forum on Youth and ICTs as Agents of Change

My participation at the Forum on Youth and ICTs as Agents of Change
Oumar Sidi Diamouténé, ICVolunteers and Youth and ICTs_Mali, traducción española Miguel Ortiz. Sep 2007.

TIC comme Agents de changements
Oumar Sidi Diamouténé graduated as an Economic Analyst from University of Bamako 2006. More...
Report on Global Forum on Youth and ICTs

Report on Global Forum on Youth and ICTs
Vulindlela Simelane - Manager Projects and Alumni Affairs - UNISWA Foundation, Swaziland. Sep 2007.

Vulindlela Simelane hails from Swaziland, where he works for the University of Swaziland Foundation as Manager of Projects and Alumni Affairs. More...
Feedback from an interpreter

Feedback from an interpreter
Lorenia de la Vega. Aug 2007.

I've worked with ICVolunteers quite a few times, both with the Switzerland office and France office as well), and they're great. More...
The AIMS (African Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Conference Report

The AIMS (African Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Conference Report
Chantel Daniels. Jan 2008.

AIMS (African Institute of Mathematical Sciences) is a centre for post graduate studies in Muizenberg, close to Cape Town. More...
Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe

Strategies for prosthetics & orthotics education and training in Europe
Anna and Adelasia Grandone, traducción española Miguel Ortiz. May 2007.

Valence, France - Mars 28 - 31, 2007. More...
Professional experience to get out of unemployment

Professional experience to get out of unemployment
Gabriella Sconfitti, traducción española Miguel Ortiz. Mar 2007.

What to say about a professional experience that only lasted for two months? Well. More...
Transforming images into pixels...

Transforming images into pixels...
Rabah Tounsi, English version Anna and Adelasia Grandone, proofreading Sarah Webborn. Feb 2007.

Television is a relatively recent invention. More...
Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim

Swiss Students experience the Desert School of Ouladnagim
Viola Krebs & Christine Clerc, Spanish translation Tahona Santana Naranjo. Jan 2007.

I decided to be part of the UNESCO Group because I wanted to be part of a charitable project where I felt that I would really be helping someone, to know why and to do as much as possible to achieve this. More...
ICT and Volunteering: a tool for development

ICT and Volunteering: a tool for development
Sep 2006.

Djibril Fall, a sociologist and researcher, qualified in development studies at the IUED in Geneva, joined the project co-ordination team at ICV in Geneva and is currently studying ICT and volunteering. More...
My first steps for ICVolunteers in South Africa

My first steps for ICVolunteers in South Africa
Traducción al español Miguel Ortiz. May 2006.

From time to time, I had volunteered for projects, but had never thought I would be given one day the opportunity to volunteer in South Africa. More...

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