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Marouen MRAIHI
For a computer scientist like me, the most striking technical aspect in Mali is the extensive use of the radio frequency spectrum as the main support for communication. This is visible in the number of local and regional radio stations and the size of their audiences, the fierce competition between the historical mobile telephone operator and the new private operator, and the number of Internet Service Providers sharing their satellite connections to broadband subscribers via radio local loops and microwave links.
— Marouen, Tunisia
Today is my 25th years old birthday. In this past year, I was thinking about the meaning of my life. People was telling me that I was in the middle of a 25 years crises. But the truth was, I was sad because I've noticed that I never really did what I've dreamed of. That was, helping people. Since I was a litte kid, I used to help old people, go to church and donate food, clothes and stuf. But when I grew up, I , kind of,stopped doing this. I lost my mind on my work, study (I'm a lawyer) an love life. I think i have a lot to offer to people, kindness, love, art feelings, language classes, patience. But the most important thing. I have a lot to learn. It's time for me to help and learn. I'm just little girl trying to give and receive love to/from people who needs attention of others.
— RAVANA, Brazil
Muhammad Alsayed
I am a student at engineering college alexandria university , I am so ambitious and I would like to work abroad , volunteer , study or charity work
— Muhammad, Egypt

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