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Shindouk Mohamed Lamine
Je collabore depuis de nombreuses années avec ICV sur des projets tels que l'Ecole du Désert et le projet ETIC, en tant que chef de Tribue de la Communauté Ouladnagim au Mali.
— Shindouk Mohamed, Mali
Sandra Young
I am a professional Spanish and Portuguese to English interpreter and translator. I am passionate about human rights, sustainable agriculture and how to properly support small scale farming, and generally working towards a better world for all. My other interests include languages, learning about other cultures, and growing my own vegetables.
— Sandra, United Kingdom
Marta Aparicio Martínez
I am a spanish girl really interested in cooperate with your organization as a volunteer translator or interpreter. I have my bachelor's degree as a translator-interpreter in CES Felipe II (attached to Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and I would be glad to work voluntary for your organization. Feel free to send me documents and the information needed to be translator. I am also willing to help you as an interpreter for any conference you arrange. I am a sociable, open-minded and grateful person who does her best at work. I also consider this opportunity as a fruitful and rewarding experience for me
— Marta, Spain

©1997-2025 ICVolunteers|design + programming mcart group|Updated: 2019-01-28 10:52 GMT|