ICV involved in European

Noelia Jover, texte français Rabah Tounsi, English version Jay Wilson
10 May 2007

"Youth in Action" 2007-2013, which gives continuity to the Youth Program (2006-2007), is a program that provides young people with opportunities for informal learning with a European dimension. The program contributes to strengthening a European cooperation with regard to young adults' mobility, which includes, amongst other things, the European Volunteer Service and the exchanges of young people with neighboring countries and nations around the world. One of the innovations of this recently launched program is the change from the scope of implementation at a European and Mediterranean level to a world-wide level.

The key objectives of  "Youth in Action" are to promote active engagement of young citizens, and to develop solidarity amongst them, particularly Europeans,  in a general manner. This program also seeks to strengthen the social cohesion through the youth within local communities and differing towns for the improvement of youth activities, education and the relevant support systems. It also wants to reinforce the capability of civil society in the youth environment and to favor European cooperation in the field of youth policies.

The program's target age group is between 13 and 30 years old. Various actions, such as seminars and formation workshops, are open to participants of all ages.

ICVoluntarios-Barcelona has already started to participate in some of these training actions: Maria Vila, coordinator of the Barcelona team, took part in March 2007 in a seminar on youth policies in Skopje, Macedonia.

ICVoluntarios-Barcelona started this April with its activities around "Youth in action" and is now preparing to welcome and send volunteers within the context of "Youth in action".  The first objective put forward by the Barcelona team is to welcome young volunteers in the context of its project "Speak to me, speak here" (Parla amb mi, parla aqui), as well as the various local volunteers in projects abroad through action 2. Once this is achieved, our intention is to broaden ICV Federation's involvement with the program, by providing them with the necessary tools to also welcome volunteers in their own projects through this program, thus creating a space of international volunteer exchange with a common goal.

Thanks to the "Youth in Action" program, young people from all over the world will have the opportunity to realize volunteer service in various projects abroad with both the logistical and financial support of the European Commission. This experience is without a doubt valuable for volunteers and organizations alike.

Work has already begun in the creation of courses for training and capacity building about cybervolunteerism and "Youth in Action" in the framework of an action 4, in which the aim is to also have various members of the ICV Federation participate.

For more information on the "Youth in Action" Program and its different actions see: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/yia/index_en.html and about the ICVoluntarios-Barcelona Project 

For any information about ICVoluntarios-Barcelona related to the "Youth in Action" you may contact the program coordinator: Noelia Jover: noelia.jover@icvolunteers.org .

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