Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies new partner of ICVolunteers

Photo © IFRC.
Photo © IFRC.
Traduction française Sophie Colesse
27 June 2007

On the auspicious occasion of the 2007 Health and Care Forum, held in Geneva from 9th to 11th of May, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent  Societies signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ICVolunteers, strengthening the connection between the two organizations.

"We had the occasion to collaborate for the first time with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in 2001" remembered Viola Krebs during the official exchange of letters, "at the occasion of the closing event of the International Year of Volunteers which we jointly organized with the United Nations Volunteers".

Ms. Krebs described then the IFRC's long and productive history as the world's largest humanitarian organization and went on to describe the ICVolunteers ten-year history of volunteer work, which has involved over 260 projects in 30 countries.

"I think we all agree that volunteerism is a building block not only for non profit organizations but society in a larger sense" concluded Viola Krebs. "We, at ICVolunteers, have therefore always been committed to promoting volunteerism as a win-win situation, as a creation of opportunities for volunteers and those who need volunteer support. We have included in that the use of technology as a means for development and empowerment of local communities".

ICVolunteers was visible during the three days of the Forum, dealing with the reporting of sessions and workshops, welcoming representatives and also in the role of voluntary interpreters.

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