ICV membre de Global Knowledge Partnership

01 October 2007

ICVolunteers has recently become a member of the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP), the world's first multi-stakeholder network promoting innovation and advancement in Knowledge for Development (K4D) and Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D).

Founded in 1997, GKP brings together public sector, private sector and civil society organizations with the goal of sharing knowledge and building partnerships. GKP activities and programs foster the innovative application of knowledge and technology to address and solve development issues in four strategic areas: access to knowledge, education, poverty reduction and resource mobilization. GKP demonstrates ideas through projects on the ground and influences policy at a global level.

The GKP network comprises over 100 members spanning 40 countries. It is governed by an elected Executive Committee and is supported by a Secretariat based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

More info: www.globalknowledge.org

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