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Exhibit at Cité du Temps: GreenVoice

Diverse Perspectives on the Environment, Citizenship and Volunteerism
Photo © Inna Ershova
Photo © Inna Ershova
26 July 2010
From 5 August to 5 September 2010, photographs of the GreenVoice campaign will be exhibited at Cité du Temps in Geneva. During the time of the exibit, a series of workshops for children will be organized on the topic of sustainable development. This project has been made possible thanks to the generous support of a number of partners, including, Ville de Genève, Kodak et SIG.

The exhibit in this hall is part of a project called GreenVoice, which aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and how it affects the lives of young people. The photos shown reflect the view of young people from many countries– The journey leads one through five continents, from the Philippines to Colombia, through India, Lithuania or Australia and across Switzerland.

The images were collected through the worldwide network of ICVolunteers, a non-profit organization headquartered in Geneva. ICV placed a call for entry for young photographers to use their creativity by aiming the camera lens and documenting their perspectives of the environment.
The purpose of this project is raise awareness among young people about issues related to the environment, climate change and the degradation of our planet. 

Why this initiative?

With each passing day, we realize only more clearly the environment is not something we can simply ignore. The evidence is overwhelming. The predictions are unambiguous. We have little time to prevent rapid climate change and associated unprecedented economic impacts.
But all is not lost. We have in our hands all the economic, intellectual and technological resources necessary to minimize the disaster.
There are numerous solutions, many of which are cheaper than simply standing by and wringing our hands. From saving energy, using clean and renewable resources, using sustainable transport systems and installing solar panels, we can all contribute.
To provide a sustainable solution, the mobilization and advocacy of the citizens of the world is necessary and each of us needs to work within our means to insure this takes place. The GreenVoice project strives to strengthen the commitment of everyone to help safeguard our planet. Civil societies have the ability to assert their citizenship through proactive measures to create awareness and to protect the environment. Take Action! 

Greenvoice – Workshops for children

Within the framework of the exhibition, 5 free workshops (public transportation not included) designed for children between 8-13 years old will be organized. The goal of these workshops is to confront the young with environmental issues and to allow them to actively involve themselves in a project promoting local natural patrimony and its conservation. 
  • A photography workshop fr/en (10.08, 11.08, 16.08, 26.08: 2-5p.m. & 16.08: 9-12a.m.)   
  • A green energy workshop (06.08, 12.08, 19.08 between 2-4 p.m.)
  • A recycling workshop (17.08, 24.08 between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)  
  • A solar cooking workshop (20.08 between 9 am – 4 pm) – contribution of 5 CHF 
  • A boat trip to the incineration plant (18.08 between 9 a.m -16.30 pm)– min age 10 
Each workshop, conducted by ICV volunteers and specialists from each workshop field, includes a guided visit of the exhibition and a snack: a fun filled, economical and educational method of involving children during the summer holidays, teaching them the respect of the environment and making them aware of their future role in society.

And the sequel?... cleaning days in the nature ! (4.09, 25.09)

And there is more to come, because in order to keep your environment clean, everyone needs to take action and so, we invite all the participants in the workshops to join us for the city cleaning action conducted by SEVE in the Park of Bastions and Croppetes and by Net’Leman by the lake side. Collecting rubbish thrown anywhere in nature draws attention to the impact of waste on the environment. For some, it will be the golden opportunity to volunteer for the first time.

To learn more about GreenVoice, visit the GreenVoice pages.

See press article in Tribune de Genève and TV reportage by TSR, 24 August 2010:

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