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WSIS Stocktaking: Participate!

Traducción española Diego Beamonte, traduction française Kate O'Dwyler
26 August 2011
The World Summit on the Information Society -- WSIS (Geneva 2003, Tunis 2005) brought together governments, civil society and private sector.

During the WSIS process, stakeholders expressed their view that the publicly accessible stocktaking database of WSIS-related implementation activities (, which had been initiated during the Tunis phase of WSIS, should be further maintained under the stewardship of ITU (see Tunis Agenda, § 120). In this framework, this stocktaking database becomes an effective tool for the exchange of information on the projects fostering development of the information society, structured according to the 11 WSIS Action Lines.

The International Telecommunications Union is inviting organizations to share their project news by filling in the The questionnaire includes a description of the activities your organization is engaged with. If you have more than one activity to submit, please fill out a separate form for each one, or make separate submissions via the website. 

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