| The first edition of the Geneva Health Forum took place in Geneva from 30 August to 1st September 2006. More... The first edition of the Geneva Health Forum took place in Geneva from 30 August to 1st September 2006. More... The first Geneva Health Forum took place from 30 August to 1st September 2006. More... The Ouladnagim Tuareg community of Timbuktu has now its own website: http://www. More... It was a bit chaotic, receiving the hundreds of people who were trying to get into the roundtable discussion with former Soviet President Mikael Gorbachev at Uni Mail last May, to commemorate the landmark meeting of Gorbachev and US president Ronald Reagan in Geneva twenty years ago. More... The first seeds for ICVolunteers were planted in 1997, when Viola Krebs led recruitment of more than 800 volunteers to help coordinate and report on the 12th World AIDS Conference in Geneva. More... Una experiencia positiva durante una reciente conferencia internacional sobre la sociedad civil en Montreal da esperanzas a la representaci贸n de ICV en Montreal para el futuro. More... Through volunteering, civil society plays a key role for development. More... Malaria causes about 500 million clinical attacks each year, and over a million deaths, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. More... A Portrait of Volunteer Interpreters One of the many services offered by ICVolunteers includes the provision of volunteer interpreters. More... Learning by seeing with your own eyes Enviar periodistas a la reuni贸n anual de la Comisi贸n de las Naciones Unidas sobre Derechos Humanos se ha convertido casi en una rutina para ICV. More... Exploring CyberVolunteers at the Cape Town Volunteer Center En diciembre de 2004, ICV Sud谩frica con la ayuda del Centro de Voluntarios de Ciudad del Cabo, organiz贸 una reuni贸n para la Oficina de la Sociedad Civil de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Informaci贸n. More... Our CyberVolunteers Program is well and truly taking off. More... With the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers strives first and foremost to create opportunities. More... One of the structures that will welcome cyber-volunteers is CERN, in cooperation with Informaticiens Sans Frontières (ISF), a network of volunteer programmers founded last year. More...
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