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Speak to better integrate

Speak to better integrate
Irene Amodei, Viola Krebs; English translation; traducción española Brigitte Witzel. Sep 2007.

In a globalizing word, languages and migration is a topic on the agenda both at the international and local levels. More...
Training of trainers on Volunteer Computing for Africa

Training of trainers on Volunteer Computing for Africa
V. Krebs. Jul 2007.

Participants from 18 African countries took part in the workshop in Muizenberg, South Africa. More...
Workshop Report of the AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing for Africa

Workshop Report of the AIMS workshop on Volunteer Computing for Africa
By Jim Rudolf, version française Sophie Colesse. Jul 2007.

The view of a programmer/volunteer
The AIMS Workshop on Volunteer Computing took place from 16 to 22 July 2007 at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Muizenberg, South Africa (a suburb of Cape Town). More...
UniswaNet Partnership

UniswaNet Partnership
Viola Krebs, Irene Amodei; traduction française par Sophie Colesse. Jul 2007.

A Swiss Consortium for Swaziland
UNISWA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the University of Swaziland, and a Swiss Consortium are officially launching a new partnership. More...
Ben Segal, one of the Internet pioneers, talks about BOINC and Africa@home

Ben Segal, one of the Internet pioneers, talks about BOINC and Africa@home
V. Krebs, version française Sophie Colesse. Jul 2007.

Participants from 18 African countries are taking part in a workshop on volunteer computing in Muizenberg, South Africa from 16 to 22 July 2007. More...

Brussels: learning through volunteering
Lwiise Swai. Jul 2007.

ICVolunteers at the MOVE Conference
ICVolunteers representative, Lwiise Swai, attended the MOVE conference in Brussels on 22th to 24th of May 2007. More...
News from Mali

News from Mali
Jul 2007.

The presence of ICVolunteers in Mali is not new; since 2002, a series of projects have been implemented. More...
Crossroads through Music Festival

Crossroads through Music Festival
Version française Sophie Colesse. Jul 2007.

La edición de 2007 de la Fête de la musique en Ginebra llevó a ICV a la plaza de Saint Antoine, donde tuvo un mostrador del 22 al 24 junio de 2007. More...
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies new partner of ICVolunteers

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies new partner of ICVolunteers
Traduction française Sophie Colesse. Jun 2007.

New Memorandum of Understanding signed between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and ICVolunteers. More...
How can journalists help tell the story of climate change?

How can journalists help tell the story of climate change?
Jun 2007.

Journalists play an important role in today's life, perception of reality and agenda seating. More...

Work and Volunteering
Irene Amodei. Jun 2007.

The Long Arm of the Job?
What can volunteering offer people who are looking for paid employment? Why do people who are looking for a job consider volunteer work? How can agencies work with volunteers as a way of enhancing their chances of finding paid employment? What can volunteering offer people who are looking for paid employment? Why do people who are looking for a job consider volunteer work? How can agencies work with volunteers as a way of enhancing their chances of finding paid employment?. More...
Aubonne Arboretum, a Green Mapping Experience

Aubonne Arboretum, a Green Mapping Experience
La Rédaction. May 2007.

As part of the VolTerre project, close to 70 students of the Collège du Léman (CDL), Switzerland, explored the Arboretum in Aubonne. More...
ICV involved in European

ICV involved in European
Noelia Jover, texte français Rabah Tounsi, English version Jay Wilson. May 2007.

ICVolunteers is involved the European Programme "Youth in Action" through its Barcelona office. More...
Spain: the Third Catalan Social Sector Desk

Spain: the Third Catalan Social Sector Desk
Irene Amodei. Apr 2007.

2,000 Catalan entities represented -- corresponding to 16,000 workplaces and 50,000 volunteers -- were at the centre of this major event. More...
Official inauguration of the offices of ICVolontaires-France

Official inauguration of the offices of ICVolontaires-France
Rabah Tounsi. Apr 2007.

On 2nd April 2007, the Mayor of Ferney-Voltaire, Pierre-Etienne Duty, inaugurated ICVolontaires-France's new offices. More...

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