We found many matches (>three hundred three!). You might try limiting your search more, or using the search engine. March of Hope06 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland Terre des Hommes Switzerland is an organization of cooperation and development that supports about 60 projects in favor of children in Africa, America and Asia. More... 21st International Congress of Universities of the Third Age02 - 05 October 2002, Geneva, Switzerland This biannual conference is an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for all those dealing with the well being and continued training of older persons. More... Soirée de réflexion et d'échange pour volontaires25 October 2002, Genève, Switzerland Dans le cadre des projets organisés par ICVolontaires, les volontaires travaillent souvent dans trois domaines distincts :. More... Intersessional Meetings of the Landmine Ban Treaty 201 May - 30 September 2002, Geneva, Switzerland For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. More... 4th Meeting of the States Parties to Ban Landmines15 - 20 September 2002, Geneva, Switzerland The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), launched in 1992, is coordinated by a staff of 8 and a committee of thirteen organizations. More... The First International Symposium on Post-Primary Education for Refugees18 - 19 September 2002, Geneva, Switzerland There are at least 1,5 million refugee children aged 12-17 in developing countries today. More... World Civil Society Forum (WCSF 2002)08 - 20 July 2002, Geneva, Switzerland The Forum aimed to facilitate and strengthen cooperation between civil society (NGOs, indigenous peoples, research centers, etc. More... Follow-up of IYV 2001 and International Cooperation among organizations working with volunteers19 July 2002, Geneva, Switzerland SummaryChair Ms Viola Krebs of International Conference Volunteers introduced six panelists with international and regional experience in coordinating, promoting and funding volunteerism. More... PrepCom I of the World Summit on the Information Society01 - 05 July 2002, Geneva, Switzerland On 21 December 2001, the UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 endorsed the framework for the Summit adopted by the ITU Council. More... WebForce Forum 200206 - 08 May 2002, Geneva, Switzerland Today, 80% of the Internet users are located in developed countries. More... 16th Book and Press Fair01 - 05 May 2002, Geneva, Switzerland The international book and press fair draws some 120'000 visitors annually. More... Inauguration of the headquarters of International Solidarity Fund of Cities Against Poverty12 April 2002, Geneva, Switzerland The cities of Bamako (Mali), Geneva (Switzerland) and Lyon (France) launched on 5 March 2001 in Lyon the first International Solidarity Fund of Cities Against Poverty (FSCP). More... Intersessional Meetings of the Landmine Ban Treaty28 - 30 January 2002, Geneva, Switzerland For several years the personal stories presented by landmine survivors have had a significant impact in reminding experts, diplomats and decision-makers of the human faces behind issues being discussed. More... Escalade01 - 02 December 2001, Geneva, Switzerland Sorry, no summary is available. International Symposium on Volunteering18 - 21 November 2001, Geneva, Switzerland The year 2001, proclaimed International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) by the United Nations, provides a timely opportunity to highlight the achievements of millions of volunteers worldwide. More... Result page: « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Next » |