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ICVoluntarios en Suiza

ICVolontaires-Suisse es la rama suiza de Involuntarios. Históricamente, la oficina suiza está al origen de toda la organización. Empezó en el 1997 cuando Viola Krebs movilizó a los primeros voluntarios para el 12 Congreso Mundial del VIH/SIDA. Tras este éxito, International Conference Volunteers (ICV) se fundió en Ginebra en 1999 para proporcionar una estructura permanente para nuestro trabajo. ICVolontaires-Suisse moviliza, forma y coordina voluntarios para conferencias, eventos y proyectos sin ánimo de lucro. Además ofrecemos a coordinadores de eventos y proyectos servicios competentes para la organización y la dirección de eventos. Leer más...

Encontramos muchos resultados (>304!). Recomendamos que haga una búsqueda más limitada o use un motor de búsqueda.

Global Forum on Youth and ICT4D

Global Forum on Youth and ICT4D

Youth and ICT as Agents of Change
24 - 26 Septiembre 2007, Geneva, Suiza
In an increasingly globalized world, the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the economic, social, cultural, political and individual spheres of life has dramatically transformed societies. Más...
Geneva Private Capital Symposium

Geneva Private Capital Symposium

24 - 25 Septiembre 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations (CASIN) is organising the 2nd Geneva Private Capital Symposium which will focus on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) investment in emerging and frontier markets. Más...
ICTs for Africa

ICTs for Africa

Education, Research, Volunteerism applied to Agriculture and Health
21 Septiembre 2007, Geneva, Suiza
Room: CCV, room C, rue Varembé, GenevaTime: plenary 9:30-13:00, breakout session 15:00-18:00. Más...
Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop

Languages and Migration: exchange and methodology workshop

19 Septiembre 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The objective of the round table is to facilitate exchange between the ICV offices that are working on the Migration and Language Project. Más...
BOINC Workshop 07

BOINC Workshop 07

05 - 06 Septiembre 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The 7th BOINC workshop will take place in Geneva on 5 and 6 September 2007. Más...
Hablar para integrarse mejor

Hablar para integrarse mejor

30 Noviembre -1, Spain, France, Switzerland, South Afirca
For ICVolunteers, the pursuit of languages and linguistic diversity, as well as communications and interpretation, is a historical vocation. Más...
World Federalist Movement Congress

World Federalist Movement Congress

27 - 31 Agosto 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The World Federalist Movement is an international citizen's movement working for justice, peace, and sustainable prosperity. Más...

World Federalist Movement Congress 60th Anniversary

27 - 31 Agosto 2007, Geneva, Suiza
This is a unique opportunity to assist in the World Federalist Movement's XXV World Congress celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Movement! The Congress is charged with forming the fundamental policies that will guide the work of our Movement as a whole. Más...
Civil Society Development Forum 2007

Civil Society Development Forum 2007

28 - 30 Junio 2007, Geneva, Suiza
CONGO and its United Nations partners, with significant support from the Swiss and Geneva authorities, organized this Forum - in which more than 500 persons from intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental circles participated - with two goals. Más...
Pulse para descargar programme.doc (212K)
Geneva Music Festival

Geneva Music Festival

22 - 24 Junio 2007, Geneva, Suiza
This year, the 17th annual Geneva Music Festival will take place June 22nd through 24th, 2007. Más...
VoLTerre II: Projet Green Map System®

VoLTerre II: Projet Green Map System®

29 Mayo - 19 Junio 2007, Canton de Vaud, Suiza
As part of the CyberVolunteers Program, ICVolunteers has launched several initiatives linking the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), education and training. Más...
6th Geneva Sustainable Living Festival

6th Geneva Sustainable Living Festival

09 - 10 Junio 2007, Genève, Suiza
The festival leaves Plainpalais to settle on the lush green landscape of the Botanical Garden near the Lac Leman to join the garden exposition on the 9th and 10th of June. Más...
Tracking Global Climate Change

Tracking Global Climate Change

04 - 08 Junio 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The Media21 Global Journalism Network Geneva is a program of the Swiss-based media network, InfoSud. Más...
Festival Balélec

Festival Balélec

19 - 25 Mayo 2007, Lausanne, Suiza
Pour la 27ème édition du Festival Balélec à l'EPFL, ICVolontaires s'associe au plus grand événement culturel organisé par des étudiants en Europe. Más...
Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

Red Cross: Health and Care Forum 2007

09 - 11 Mayo 2007, Geneva, Suiza
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is focusing on its growing role of bringing global health initiatives to local community level through its network of volunteers across the world. Más...

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