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ICVoluntarios en Suiza

ICVolontaires-Suisse es la rama suiza de Involuntarios. Históricamente, la oficina suiza está al origen de toda la organización. Empezó en el 1997 cuando Viola Krebs movilizó a los primeros voluntarios para el 12 Congreso Mundial del VIH/SIDA. Tras este éxito, International Conference Volunteers (ICV) se fundió en Ginebra en 1999 para proporcionar una estructura permanente para nuestro trabajo. ICVolontaires-Suisse moviliza, forma y coordina voluntarios para conferencias, eventos y proyectos sin ánimo de lucro. Además ofrecemos a coordinadores de eventos y proyectos servicios competentes para la organización y la dirección de eventos. Leer más...

Encontramos muchos resultados (>304!). Recomendamos que haga una búsqueda más limitada o use un motor de búsqueda.

General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliances

General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliances

15 - 20 Noviembre 2009, Geneva, Suiza
The International Co-operative Alliances is an independent, non-governmental organisation which unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. Más...
Think Future, Volunteer Together

Think Future, Volunteer Together

19 Noviembre 2009, Bruselas, Bélgica
El Centro Europeo del Voluntariado (Centre Européen du Volontariat, CEV) es una red europea, que actualmente cuenta con 74 centros y agencias de voluntariado por toda Europa. Más...
Music as a Vector for Environmental Awareness

Music as a Vector for Environmental Awareness

01 Octubre 2009, Geneva, Suiza
Under the patronage of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and with the support of the Swiss National Commission for UNESCO, the Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations Association (www. Más...
Pulse para descargar forum2009.pdf (462.7K)
First Global Ethics Forum

First Global Ethics Forum

"The Corporate Social Responsibility in times of crisis"
01 - 02 Julio 2009, Geneva, Suiza
The first edition of the Global Ethics Forum was held at the Palais des Nations of the United Nations in Geneva on July 2nd & 3rd, 2009. Más...
2nd Annual Meeting of the Global Humanitarian Forum

2nd Annual Meeting of the Global Humanitarian Forum

23 - 24 Junio 2009, Geneva, Suiza
Personally chaired by Kofi Annan, the 2009 Forum is the second edition of the Global Humanitarian Forum’s annual center piece event. Más...
Fête de la musique 2009

Fête de la musique 2009

19 - 21 Junio 2009, Ginebra, Suiza
The Fête de la Musique is a major event in Geneva's social life and allows the Genevan to meet. Más...

Conferencia Anual WIDE 2009

18 - 20 Junio 2009, Basilea, Suiza
El cuidado es una característica universal entre todos los seres humanos y la forma en que se organiza en la sociedad es decisiva para las relaciones y la igualdad de género. Más...
Calvin and his influence, 1509-2009

Calvin and his influence, 1509-2009

01 Marcha - 31 Mayo 2009, Geneva, Suiza
The major academic event of the "Calvin year" 2009 in Geneva, the conference "Calvin and his influence, 1509-2009" which will be held between 24-27th of May, will attempt to take the full measure of John Calvin's historical influence across the generations and around the world, from his lifetime until today. Más...
8th International Security Forum

8th International Security Forum

“Coping with Global Changeâ€
18 - 21 Mayo 2009, Geneva, Suiza
At the beginning of the 21st century, the international security agenda is witnessing profound change. Más...
Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation

Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation

30 - 31 Marcha 2009, Geneva, Suiza
The Kofi Annan Foundation hosted 'The Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation: One Year Later'. Más...

Global Issues Network Conference

Giving everyone a chance
19 - 21 Marcha 2009, Geneva
Le Global Issue Network (GIN) a pour mission de faire prendre conscience aux étudiants de leur potentiel commun et de les encourager à travailler avec leurs homologues internationaux afin de développer des solutions autour de problèmes globaux. Más...
Swiss Philanthropy Forum

Swiss Philanthropy Forum

05 Marcha 2009, Zurich, Suiza
The philanthropic world currently finds itself in the midst of huge growth and structural shift. Más...


25 - 27 Febrero 2009, Geneva, Suiza
LIFT is a series of events built around a community of doers and thinkers who get together in Europe and Asia to explore the social impact of new technologies. Más...


25 - 27 Febrero 2009, Geneva, Suiza
The purpose of the 2009 HURIDOCS Conference, Human Rights Council and International Criminal Court: The New Challenges for Human Rights Communications is to reflect upon how information about human rights can be communicated more effectively by NGOs to institutions such as the Human Rights Council (HRC) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Más...
Training of community interpreters

Training of community interpreters

08 Enero 2009, Geneva, Suiza
ICVolunteers is looking for voluntary french-speaking community interpreters, in the context of its Languages and Migration project, designed to provide linguistic support to the immigrant community in Geneva. Más...

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