School Project

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

15 December 2006 - 15 December 2007

Project details

Twinning between the Association des Parents d'élèves du Lycée de Ferney-Voltaire et the Association des parents d'élèves du Lycée de Fougou, Republic of Guinea, sending of sending of textbooks.

1) Located in the Fouta Jalon, in Middle Guinea, the Village of Fougou was organized into an Administrative Cercle (Sub-Prefecture) in 1976. Since 1990, the village is the capital of the Rural Community of Development (CRD) which bears its name. The area suffers from extreme isolation. It is related to the Prefecture of Mali, Administrative Region of Labé. It is a mountainous region where the roads are cruelly lacking.

2) Secondary education lasts for 7 years in Guinea and is comprised of two cycles: the first secondary cycle of 4 years, including from the 7th to the 10th year of schooling;

and the second secondary cycle of 3 years, from the 11th to the final year with three cycles of social sciences, applied sciences and mathematical sciences. The completion of these two cycles leads respectively to the BEPC and the Baccalaureate.

For the last decade, the Guinean educational system has experienced an important quantitative and qualitative expansion. The basic rate of schooling passed from 34% in 1991 to 72% in 2002. At the secondary level, the rates also
more than doubled. However, secondary education remained for a long time and still is not included in the reforms of the other sub-systems.

The assistance granted to education, both bilaterally and multilaterally dealt to a great extent other domains of teaching (basic education, higher education).
At present, secondary education in Guinea currently faces enormous challenges: plethoric clauses, disparities between girls and boys and zones, deficiencies in human resource management, lack of services preparing youth to their integration into the workforce, etc. Generally speaking, the courses are given under difficult teaching conditions. The buildings, the equipment, the laboratories, the textbooks are in poor conditions and there is a lack of qualified teaching personnel, the classes generally consists of 60 to 90 pupils, and the teacher who is not always motivated. The High School of Fougou opened its doors in October 2006. It has 7 classrooms for 6 levels (from the 7th to the 11th grade), i.e. there is no class yet for the baccalaureate (12th and final grades). To date, there are 321 pupils including 112 girls. 

7 teachers reside locally; the others are freelance coming from Mali-Center to ensure the teaching of certain disciplines. The main teacher has accommodation within the school.


  1. Establish twinning between the two associations
    of parents of pupils (APE): Ferney-Voltaire (Ain) and Fougou (Guinea), with an aim of developing intercultural exchanges, confronting the respective problems of the parents of pupils, in the field of training but also education and social integration, and to build long-term links and friendship.
  2. Send textbooks collected by the members of the APE of Ferney in view of the opening of a library at the highschool in Fougou: provision of teaching books for the pupils and the teachers. 
  3. Define the needs in textbooks. Research funds / books adapted to the needs for the Guinean partners. 
  4. Improve the quality of teaching and continued education through obtained textbooks, leading to improvement of the results and a reduction failures and abandonment rates. 
  5. Create a direct relationship based on the exchange of knowledge with the establishment of co-operation projects in a spirit of solidarity and mutual respect.

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