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ICV Info Session

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

24 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland
Salle Baud-Boby



Project details

ICVolunteers involves volunteers from many backgrounds and coming from some 100 countries. In order to provide an introduction to our activities, we organize info sessions for new comers to ICVolunteers-Switzerland and ICVolontaires-France.

If you are based in proximity of Geneva, Switzerland, we welcome you to our next Information Session to find out more about our upcoming projects and our activities at ICVolunteers.


  • General overview of ICVolunteers.
  • Presentation of our activities: cybervolunteers, language services, reporters and editors, welcome services and logistics and internship opportunities at our Geneva office.
  • List of upcoming events.

The meeting takes place on 16 January 2008, from 5 to 7 pm.

The Information Sessions are an opportunity to meet other new comers to the organization and learn more about how you can get involved in ICV's activities.

For organizational reasons, we please register for the session. Should you have any questions you can also give us a call at +41 22 800 14 36.

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