Science Ethics and Scientists' Responsibility

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

11 - 12 May 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
Palais des Nations




Experts from the fields of ethics and science.

Project details

The Swiss Commission for UNESCO, various Swiss partners and UNESCO invited experts from Europe and North America. This consultation was taking place in the context of discussions on ethics in the field of sciences which were taking place at UNESCO, supported by high-level expertise from the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).

COMEST is an advisory body and forum of reflection composed of 18 independent experts. The Commission is mandated to formulate ethical principles that could provide decision-makers with criteria other than purely economic.

The consultative event on Science Ethics and Scientists' Responsibility focused on the creation of a framework of ethical principles for science upon which codes of conduct could be grounded.

Role of ICVolunteers

ICVolunteers recruited French and English speaking volunteers who took care of the welcoming and information of participants.

Short Term Projects

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