11th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

09 - 13 April 2000, Jersey, United Kingdom


International Association for the Reduction of Drug Related Harm (IHRA).

Project details

The annual International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm is the key forum for the dissemination of harm reduction ideas and practice.

The 11th edition of the conference was held in Jersey (UK) and attended by over 700 people? bringing together harm reduction workers, researchers, policy makers, government members and officials, judiciary, law enforcement, criminal justice workers, UN staff, members of national and international NGOs, and members of drug user organisations.

It had a packed and lively programme of presentations, discussions and events. There was something at the conference for everyone working in harm reduction, and for those who want to come along for the first time to find out more.

Volunteering Opportunities

Welcome, register and assist delegates, coordinate sub-projects, help with administration, Slide Center, Press Center, etc.

Short Term Projects

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