
End of the International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

17 - 19 September 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
Parc des Cropettes



Project details

Since 2004 is the last year of the UN Decade of Indigenous Peoples, several of the indigenous representatives have deemed it necessary and offered support in the creation of a political, social, cultural and spiritual space? in order to review the achievements of the past decade and inform the public of the Geneva region regarding the different issues surrounding the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples (self-determination, the earth, natural resources, intellectual property, traditional knowledge, etc).

The event took place over three days, from Friday 17th to Sunday 19th September in the Parc des Cropettes. A variety of activities are planned: round-table discussions, workshops, music, dances, story-telling, documentary videos, photo exhibitions, etc. The indigenous representatives will also have a space to diffuse their specific information, expose their art craft and to talk directly with the public.

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteers helped with interpretation, communications and logistics.

Short Term Projects

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