Reunión preparatoria del Foro Mundial de la Sociedad Civil

Resumen del proyecto

Fecha y lugar

18 - 20 Julio 2001, Ginebra, Suiza
Centro Internacional de Conferencias de Ginebra (CICG)


Mandat International.



Detalles del proyecto

The World Civil Society Forum intends to facilitate cooperation among NGOs, Indigenous peoples organizations, the UN system and other international organizations. It intends to bridge NGOs working in various domains of activity and in the various geographical areas. It should provide a platform for sharing experiences, information and concerns. The Forum will organize plenary sessions and thematic working groups on the mains domains of activity, including:

  • Sustainable Development and Environment
  • Human Development, including Health and Education
  • Human Rights, including gender issues.
  • Collective rights, including Indigenous peoples, minorities and right of peoples to self-determination.
  • Peace and Security, including Humanitarian assistance.
  • Technologies, including Internet and Communications.

Participants to the Forum will have the possibility to adopt common positions and resolutions.

Oportunidades de voluntariado

  • Helping with the preparation of the Forum
  • Checking-in of delegates
  • Handing out documents
  • Informing and ushering delegates
  • Interpreting and translating Helping with transportation of the delegates

Proyectos a corto plazo

ICVoluntarios promueve el voluntariado y su reconocimiento, favoreciendo la participación del ciudadano, poniendo en contacto organizaciones, individuos y comunidades así que acompañando sus esfuerzos en esta área. En esta perspectiva, ICVoluntarios desarrolla proyectos y lleva iniciativas.

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