2nd Geneva Health Forum
Project at a glanceDates and Place25 - 27 May 2008, Geneva, SwitzerlandInternational Conference Centre OrganizersThe Forum is jointly organized by the Geneva University Hospitals and the Medical School of the University of Geneva. Project detailsIt is my aspiration that health will finally be seen not as a blessing to be wished for, but as a human right to be fought for. L'Association du Forum de la Santé a été fondée dans le but d'améliorer l'accès à la santé et aux soins dans le monde. Une de ses principales activités est le Forum de Genève : "Towards Global Access to Health", organisé conjointement par les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève et la Faculté de Médecine de Genève. The 2006 Edition962 participants ont pris part à ce Forum, représentant 62 pays, 0 communications libres, 110 affiches, 155 orateurs et modérateurs ont été inscrits au programme et 47 organisations ont présenté des projets. Comme un véritable "village mondial", le Forum 2006 de la Santé de Genève a accueilli les participants du monde entier. Des bourses de voyage pour participer au Forum ont été offertes aux participants venant des pays suivants: Afrique du Sud, Botswana, Cameroun, Colombie, Costa Rica, Erythrée, Ghana, Inde, Iran, Kenya, Lituanie, Malawi, Mali, Népal, Niger, Nigeria, Ouganda, Pérou, Pakistan, Rwanda, Soudan, Tanzanie et Thaïlande. The 2008 EditionThe second edition of the Geneva Health Forum will maintain its broad range of priority themes in access to health. However, special emphasis will be placed on the strengthening and integration of health systems and the importance of the global health workforce. Indeed, the current crisis of the global health workforce will be central to this edition, as well as the role and social responsibility of universities, hospitals, and training institutions. The year 2008, the 30th anniversary of the Alma Ata Declaration, offers a special occasion to revisit the primary health care model within the current health services context. Role of ICVolunteersIn 2006, ICVolunteers played a major role in the Geneva Health Forum, with over 60 volunteers involved in many different aspects of the conference, including reporting, room supervision, welcoming services and language assistance. In 2008, we will again be involved in these same activities. To read the reports of the past conference, see http://www.genevahealthforum.org. External linkshttp://www.genevahealthforum.org http://genevahealthforum.hug-ge.ch Volunteering OpportunitiesWelcoming services, reporting, filming. Posted: 2008-1-10 Updated: 2008-9-27 |