Microfinance International SymposiumResumen del proyectoFecha y lugar01 - 02 Octubre 2008, Geneva, SuizaILO OrganizadoresWorld Microfinance Forum Geneva ParticipantesPrincipal investors, intermediaries, microfinance providers and public actors Detalles del proyectoThe International Symposium organized by the World Microfinance Forum Geneva will be focusing on the topic of "Building Fair Financial Markets for All". Some of the topics:
Content: How investors can unleash the potential of microfinance
Together with leading personalities of the sector, participants will share insights and develop guidelines for the private sector to unleash the potential of microfinance. Confirmed speaker: Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus will share his vision on the future of microfinance. Guest country: China, the world's largest market for microfinance? Format: Solid information, solid time to talk The symposium offers:
External linkshttp://www.microfinanceforum.org Oportunidades de voluntariadoFor this event, volunteers are kindly requested to assist with the following tasks:
Publicado: 2008-9-22 Actualizado: 2008-9-29 |