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Microfinance International Symposium

Photo © V. Krebs
Photo © V. Krebs

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

01 - 02 October 2008, Geneva, Switzerland


World Microfinance Forum Geneva


Principal investors, intermediaries, microfinance providers and public actors

Project details

The International Symposium organized by the World Microfinance Forum Geneva will be focusing on the topic of "Building Fair Financial Markets for All".

Some of the topics:

  • The contribution of inclusive finance to poverty reduction and sustainable development
  • Drivers of scale in inclusive finance:  New products, new technology, new markets etc…

Content: How investors can unleash the potential of microfinance
Leading researchers, microfinance investors, investment intermediaries and microfinance providers will separate fact from fiction in microfinance investment and will provide an honest overview of:

  • The potential for microfinance to achieve financial as well as social returns
  • The scale and nature of investment opportunities in microfinance
  • Innovative ways to address challenges and build inclusive financial markets

Together with leading personalities of the sector, participants will share insights and develop guidelines for the private sector to unleash the potential of microfinance. Confirmed speaker: Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus will share his vision on the future of microfinance.

Guest country: China, the world's largest market for microfinance?
One afternoon of the symposium will be dedicated to China. Chinese leading experts and authorities will provide insight into the scale and nature of demand for, as well as the intricacies of the current provision of financial services to the low-income population. They will also present the constraints to the development of microfinance and to foreign investment in China. Together with the audience, they will explore how the newest insights have started to help unlock the potential of this giant.

Format: Solid information, solid time to talk

The symposium offers:

  • The latest and best research on microfinance investment
  • The most knowledgeable and respected experts in the field
  • The most significant leaders and innovators from the private sector
  • Short presentations followed by ample time to get answers to questions
  • Extensive space in the program for moderated discussion
  • Extensive space in the program for networking

External links

Volunteering Opportunities

For this event, volunteers are kindly requested to assist with the following tasks:
  • Welcome & Registration
  • Room Supervision - both for the plenary and break out sessions
  • Welcoming Services - languages Portuguese -> English
  • Welcoming Services - language Spanish -> English
  • Photographer
  • Reporters (English)

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