First International Forum on Violence against Women

Projet en bref

Date et lieu

20 - 22 novembre 2008, Barcelona, Espagne


Foro contra las Violencias de GĂ©nero

DĂ©tails du projet

In the conclusions of the III Forum on Violence against Women 2007, there was the firm proposal that in the IV edition of the Forum, there should be a space for putting in common efforts to fight for awareness raising and the eradication of violence against the women in all of Spain and more broadly speaking in Europe.

Following the resolution of the Assembly for Women of the Social Forum of Athens, there has been a first step to bring about this intercultural network at the European level, given that it will be just before the elections in the European Parliament.

Aims and workplan

The general objective is to exchange experience around the fight against violence towards women. This includes cooperation between the associative sector and other stateholders from different countries and cultures. During the National Forum on Violence Against Women, the Forum is planning a day specifically dedicated to international issues.

The work of small groups will help to exchange ideas, in order to share a series of future joint initiatives that give shape to the creation of this intercultural European Network on Violence Against Women.

With this first criterion and counting with the collaboration of different entities and constituencies of women who work in different countries and with groups of women of other cultures. The Forum proposes three seminars to establish exchange and elaborate proposals, with the goal to continue working during the year, starting this network on violence against women at the European level.

  1. Debate around how to establish a network: Which networks are there at European level? Which methodology is best adapted to work together? Which performances could be carried out on 25th November? Proposal of panel: Women of France and Greece (World-Wide Course|/March and others), women from Seville, Red feminista, PaĂ­s Basco, Ca the woman, feminist Net. Proposal of coordination of the World-Wide Course|/March of the women and of a representative of the Platform.
  2. Debate about the violence and interculturality. Experiences from other countries... Which situation do they have?
  3. Debate around women's rights. Elections in the European parliament in 2009. Laws and Resources available, proposals for different countries and common strategy in Europe. This roundtable would be formed by women of France, Greece, Portugal, political representatives from several European countries, representatives of the Course|/March, women lawyers.

External links

Projets court terme

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