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Fight against Landmines

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

25 - 27 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland


International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)

Project details

With two months remaining until the international treaty banning cluster bombs is opened for signature in Norway at the beginning of December, civil society representatives are calling on all States to announce their intent to sign. The atmosphere is hectic.

Therefore, in the context of the next 9th Meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Treaty, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) has decided to organize some side meetings, which will address specific issues such as "Challenges to humanitarian mine action: the case of Colombia" (Tuesday 25, 13h00- 15h00); "Inclusive education: experiences in mine-affected countries" (Wednesday 26 (13h00-14h40); "Victim Assistance in Colombia" (Thursday 27; 13h00-15h00).

The sessions will discuss lessons learned and good practices to implement inclusive education and victim assistance by looking at experiences in mine-affected countries.

Role of ICVolunteers

ICVolunteers is looking for interpreters French-English; English-French; Spanish-English; English-Spanish in order to help the debates during the side meetings.

External links

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