2009 Carbon Expo

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

25 - 29 May 2009, Barcelona, Spain


The World Bank, International Emission Trading Association (IETA), Fira Barcelona, Koelnmesse

Project details

2009 is an important year for the Climate Change negotiations when governments will seek to come to an agreement in Copenhagen on the future framework for climate change. The 2009 Carbon Expo Conference will be held in Barcelona, spreading over three days of the event. It will feature debates, in-depth case studies and leadership sessions providing an in-depth overview of the status of the Market and International negotiations.

The program will be articulated around nine plenary sessions and four Carbon Expo Workshop streams: Project stream, Traders stream, New Markets stream and Cities & Carbon Finance stream.

Approximately 3.500 participants are expected to attend the event, including 200 speakers in the previous edition, world leading experts from the private and public sectors will be giving insights into the latest trends.

External links


Volunteering Opportunities

  • Bag Filling
  • Bag Distribution
  • Assistance Project Corner
  • Conference Room Supervision
  • Side Event Room Supervision
  • Guide and inform participants on the bus departure
  • Press Center Accreditation


What's on offer:

  • Reimbursement of expenses
  • Certificate
  • Coffee & Lunch will be provided onsite by organizers
  • Opportunity to contribute & participate in a big international event
  • Opportunity to network, meet other people
  • Language Requirement: English a must, Spanish and/or Catalan a plus

Age: minimum 18 years old

Interested parties to contact to:
Send their curriculum vitae and/or motivation letter to barcelona [at] icvolunteers.org in English or Spanish.

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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