Global Youth Conference

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

08 - 11 November 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
International Conference Center


Earth Focus Foundation

Project details

The next Global Youth Conference, organized by the Earth Focus Foundation, will be an opportunity for young people to discuss issues related to Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

The conference aims to send a clear and unequivocal message to negotiators at Cancun that young people expect the planet’s protection be placed ahead of all other interests in order to reverse the worst effects of climate change in the short-term and ensure long-term sustainable development.

The Earth Focus Foundation is a Swiss foundation, which is continuing the work with young people started within  the renowned Bellerive Foundation.

The aim of the Foundation is to empower youth to take on roles in which they actively create a more sustainable world. Earth Focus provides a platform to encourage youth to express their views on the environment and solutions to ecological problems and serves as a voice to promote these views to other youth as well as to the public.

Short Term Projects

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