October: Breast Cancer Month

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Tram dedicated to the Breast Cancer initative
Tram dedicated to the Breast Cancer initative

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

01 October - 12 November 2012, Geneva, Switzerland

Project details

Nowadays, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. In our regions, one out of eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. This cancer represents 40% of cancers in women and remains the leading cause of death among women aged 40 to 50 years. Even if it is a very rare disease in women younger than 25, today around 20% of the diagnoses occur in women under 50. Even though men suffer less from breast cancer, the number of cases has also increased (in 2009, five new cases were diagnosed in Geneva).

In Switzerland, 16 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day. When compared internationally, Switzerland is particularly affected by breast cancer. With 5.900 women newly diagnosed every year (440 in Geneva), Switzerland ranks among the “high risk” countries worldwide (fifth rank). Around 72.000 women treated for breast cancer live in the country (4.800 of whom in Geneva). Considering their relatives and close surroundings, around 720.000 people are directly concerned by this disease (48.000 for Geneva), which corresponds to 10% of the population).

Given these figures and treatments yet effective but with severe adverse effects, we understand the direct and indirect incidence/impact that this cancer can have on patients and their close circle.

Confronted to this situation, a paradigm shift in the medical care with a greater involvement of patients is both a necessity and a reality in all the activities undertaken by the Breast Cancer Network. For 11 years now, this Network has been fostering dialogue, partnerships as well as joint and transdisciplinary actions.

A better alignment between research and care on one side, and needs and expectations of patients and their relatives on the other, together with the decrease of breat cancer’s impact are at the core of the Networks’missions.

October is internationally recognized as the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Flagship actions in Geneva in support of Breast Cancer Network:

Friday, 5 October 2012

Special PINK evening during the hockey match Genève-Servette HC / HC Bienne at Patinoire des Vernets: Raffle & auction of Genève-Servette HC 2012 Jerseys & pink sticks + Contest PINK PEOPLE

Sunday, 11 November 2012

From 10h, 25 ans Gilles Desplanches for Breast Cancer Network at Palexpo during the Automnales exhibition, 10h - 16h,  creation of a large cake
from 16h40, distribution and selling of sections of  50 cm = 50chf (representing 10 to 12 individual portions).

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of his company, Gilles Desplanches offers to the Geneva people an exceptional event for a taste of sweetness. The entire benefits will go to the Breast Cancer Network/ Association Savoir Patient. Keep connected !

Do not miss the opportunity to join us at this event on November 11th ! Or you can collect your sections at ICVolunteers’ new arcade 106, rue de Carouge, on Monday November 12th on the occasion of our inauguration!

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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