Philanthropy Forum

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

25 September 2014, Genève, Switzerland

Project details

Economic and environmental conditions have led in the past to increasing calls for alternative pathways of development towards a green future. The language of a green economy needs to be promoted to develop a win-win situation for the economy, the environment and our next generations. As the world is asking to deepen and scale the impact of philanthropists and foundations dynamic relationships between all sectors are vital. Philanthropy has to play a more stringent role and advocate to addressing sustainable networks for a green future.

The current discussion for a green economy needs catalysts willing to expose these issues in an independent way. Philanthropy could play this role.

How does foundation funding for environmental initiatives compare to funding from public funding and public incentives? How effective is philanthropy in addressing the need and speed in changing towards a green economy? How do boards of foundations deal with strategic agenda setting towards green future, dynamic relationships and cross-sectored networking? 

Short Term Projects

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