16th Book and Press Fair

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

01 - 05 May 2002, Geneva, Switzerland


Geneva University Hospitals

Project details

The international book and press fair draws some 120'000 visitors annually. The HUG have been present at this fair since 1999. This is an opportunity for them to disseminate information to the general public on their research and publications. Two specific messages will be delivered during the 2001 edition of the fair: community medicine and humanitarian action.

Role of ICVolunteers

Volunteers helped with the following tasks:

Help the staff of the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) on their exhibition stand:

  • Serving orange juice at the Health Bar
  • Preparing conference documents
  • Assisting the librarian(s) on duty
  • Two volunteer teams will be on duty, one in the morning, the other in the afternoon

Short Term Projects

ICVolunteers promotes volunteerism and its recognition, by enhancing civic commitment and involvement, and by providing leadership and links between organizations, individuals and communities. With this perspective, ICVolunteers develops projects and leads initiatives.

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