Sew to Speak

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

12 - 14 September 2014, Bellevue, Switzerland
Webster University


Common Threads

Project details

Common Threads is organizing the first international Arpillera and Story Cloth conference, in Geneva, from September 12-14, 2014. The meetings will be held at Webster University in Bellevue.

Sew to Speak: Narratives Textiles in Human Rights and Healing Practices will bring together about 25 women from around the globe who are innovators in the contemporary application of an ancient art form: tapestries that tell an “unspeakable†narrative.

The conference will foster international collaboration across disciplines to further the work of narrative textiles for human rights, healing of trauma, and empowering women. It will focus on developing insights and connections, yielding new collaborations, clarity of purpose, and a worldwide network of women who will continue their healing and empowering work within their communities.

Short Term Projects

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