World Investment Forum 2014 – UNCTAD

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

13 - 16 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

Project details

The World Investment Forum is an event designed to facilitate dialogue and action on the world’s key emerging investment-related challenges. It is organized every two years and the 2014 edition was held from the 13th to 16th October at Palais de Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

The program of the forum was composed of engaging conferences and side events regarding different topics such as sustainable development, gender equality, economic growth, regional integration and their relation with the current and future investment opportunities and challenges.

One of the side events of the forum was the OilGasMines Special Event Africa, which discussed investment opportunities in Africa in the oil, gas and mine industry. The event was held during the last two days of the forum (15th- 16th October). Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD  was in charge of the opening ceremony and several representatives from governmental, non governmental and private sectors in the African region were also present.

The closing statement was communicated by Mr. Petko Draganov, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD, who emphasized the importance of having this type of platform to debate on these topics with participants from diverse backgrounds. He also gave a set of main recommendations regarding the topics discussed during the conference. 

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Role of ICVolunteers

ICVolunteers collaborated in this Special Event with simultaneous interpretation from and to English and French during both days of the conference.

Short Term Projects

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