Anniversary of Earth Focus

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

26 March 2003, Geneva, Switzerland
International School of Geneva


Bellerive Foundation in collaboration with the International School of Geneva.

Project details

The Bellerive Foundation, in association with the International School of Geneva and the team who have worked on the magazine for young people, Earth Focus, was celebrating the tenth anniversary of the magazine in presence of Ms. Martine Brundschwig Graf, State Counselor in charge of Education.

The event was held at the International School, Pregny, with a debate "Focus on Mountains", by the students of classes 5 and 6. A similar debate on the rainforest was the spark that created Earth Focus ten years ago.

Children, representing the International Community of Geneva, issued a draft declaration outlining an action plan to prevent the continuing destruction of mountain environments and their natural and cultural diversity worldwide. The declaration is being widely distributed to the media, the International Organizations and the countries of the Alpine Convention.

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteers welcomed participants, served refreshments. A volunteer photographer took pictures of the entire event.

Short Term Projects

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