Solidarity Dinner Casa Alianza

Project at a glance

Dates and Place

06 November 1999, Geneva, Switzerland


Casa Alianza.


400 persons participated in the event.

Project details

An estimated 100 million children live and work on the streets in the developing world; 40 million in Latin America.

Most street children (75 percent) have some family links, but spend most of their lives on the streets begging, selling trinkets, shining shoes or washing cars to supplement their families' income. Most never go beyond a fourth-grade education.

The remaining 25 percent live in the streets, often in a group of other children. Known as "street children", they sleep in abandoned buildings, under bridges, in doorways, or in public parks.

Casa Alianza is an independent, non profit organisation dedicated to the rehabilitation and defense of street children in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua. Casa Alianza is the Latin American branch of the New York-based Covenant House, whose President is Sister Mary Rose McGeady D.C..

A leading advocate of children's rights in the region, Casa Alianza is headquartered in San José, Costa Rica, as well as its Executive Director for the Latin American Programs Bruce Harris.

Founded in Guatemala in 1981, and expanded into Honduras and Mexico in 1986, and into Nicaragua in 1998, Casa Alianza monitors and cares some 8,961 street children a year, most of whom have been orphaned by civil war, abused or rejected by dysfunctional and poverty-stricken families, and further traumatized by the indifference of the societies in which they live.

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